Ok, here is the deal: You can change one letter of the previous word to post another word **but the letters have to stay in the same order. If I post "foot" you could post "boot". Or "fort." Or "fool."
Only one letter can be changed. So, only four-letter words will count. With humble regard to our members across the world, this game is in English so us dumb yanks can keep up. Slang will count if the admins/mods say so. They are the final judges. Each word can only be played once. The winner is the member that posts the last word that stumps everyone else from creating another.
*added 07/04 I'll do my best to add each word to a list below. Please Ctrl-f to make sure your entry hasn't been used already.
First word in the game is "tile"
Change one letter to make another word!'
**added 07/02
words already used: tile file mile mine mint mind mini minx jinx jino wino sino sine tine wine wing wind bind rind wing zing zinc zino zina zing bing bong pong pond pony bony sony mony many mane bane lane sane dane pane pant kant rant runt rent vent tent cent bent sent dent pent pert pest peso pedo redo remo reno rent rant pant pang ping king kind kink kick dick sick sock rock cock cook book kook look rook room roam ream beam beau bear rear tear sear star stat spat spay spaz spar spur slur slut slum slim slam slab stab stag star soar soap soup soul soil coil cool tool fool foot boot toot poot poet port sort fort ford cord lord word work dork fork zork zoro zero nero aero afro afra aura dura dora dork dark dank tank tack tuck tusk musk husk dusk duck duct duet suet suit slit slip ship shiv shim swim swam swan swat spat span spun stun stud spud spur sput spit spic epic emic etic otic odic udic uric uria aria arid avid acid aced iced ized ired bred bled sled shed shod shot show chow chop clop clap clay clad chad char chat phat prat drat brat brad grad grid grim brim brie brig brag crag crap craw cram clam flam flag flaw flat flit flip blip clip chip chin thin this thus thug thud trud crud crux crup crut cout lout
Edited by banj0, 25 July 2008 - 05:24 AM.