Anyhoo Bear is right and photomatix is what I used to create the images, but really any camera with manual controls could do it. Mine does autobraketing for 3 images which definately makes it easier, but before I discovered that, I would just manually change the shutter speed (not the aperture) to get the multiple exposures. Meaning put it in Aperture Priority and that locks the aperture and lets you vary the shutter speed. A tripod helps a lot as well, but technically it can be done without, because the software can try to align the images...
He pointed out a tutorial, and that's also where I learned how to do this: http://stuckincustom...2006/06/06/548/ but there's also other good ones on google.
I use an old Digital Rebel (the first one 300d) which they sell on ebay now for pretty cheap (I paid 1000 years ago see them for 300 or less). But it has autobracketing and RAW which helps a lot because RAW is 16bit instead of 8 bit per channel (jpeg). In fact you can get reasonably good results with a single RAW because a lot of what makes an HDR look the way it does isn't the actual dynamic range, it's the tone mapping part. The HDR helps for blown out highlights and darked out chadows, and you can definately tell the difference depending on the scene between one image and multiples. When you make the HDR file you actually create an image with a ton of information (48 bits per channel), which can't be displayed on a regular screen, and map it back down to an 8-bits per channel jpeg.
Actually here's a shot that shows the three images and the final output:
Note if you just combined the highlights and shadows it wouldn't give the saturated colors, so the tone mapping process adds a lot to it over top of the shadow and highlight detail. You can also see in the histograms where most of the detail is coming from in each of the images and the final composite (low end shadow, high end highlight...)
Anyhoo, glad you liked my shot enough to make it a background!
Edited by shoebappa, 12 March 2008 - 11:37 PM.