Adblock v0.5 is solution for ad blocking that has been out for enough time to establish a spot in the power user's heart. It is simple to install the Adblock v0.5 plug-in and takes a little less than 5 minutes to configure. Once configured properly, Adblock can be set to stop ads before they download to your computer. If you want to support the site which you are browsing, you can also set the program to load the ads but keep them hiden.
You can download Adblock v0.5 by clicking on the link below from within Firefox. If the link doesn't work direct, just hop on over to Adblock's page on Mozilla Update also linked to below. Once done installing the Adblock v0.5 extension to Firefox, restart your browser and read on below the links.
Adblock from
Adblock doesn't come with pre-loaded blocking list; however, I have been searching through numerous places and have gathered a list of ads to block that can be imported with just a few easy steps.
1. Install Adblock from the above link.
2. Restart Firefox.
3. Download the txt file provided from this site. The file should be the most current date in number format.txt. (Example: http://www.pierceive...005-09-18a.txt)
4. Go to the Tools menu, scroll down to Adblock, and click preferences.
5. In the Adblock window that popped up, click on Adblock Options and click IMPORT FILTERS.
6. Select the location where you downloaded the adblock.txt file and click open.
7. A window might appear asking you "Do you want to overwrite the current list...". If this window appears, click "Cancel" and the current list while just be appended.
8. After step 6 and/or 7, you will be returned to the Adblock Preferences window. Click "done".
Now you are all set to browse the internet free of advertising. Enjoy.
Guide Written By Error_51/xCIAx
Edited by xCIAx, 03 October 2005 - 04:54 AM.