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Saddam Hussein sentenced to death

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#16 Guest_scaramonga_*

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Posted 06 November 2006 - 03:46 AM

I'm afraid that the 'Rethuglican' machine has become much too powerful as regards media manipulation etc...etc.......one can only hope that the true citizens will see through their corrupt ways and choose the correct path for all...........I'm a UK born citizen and I pray for the good to overcome the evil in the name of the good old USA! :lol:

#17 David_Heavey


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Posted 06 November 2006 - 10:21 AM

View Postchriso_86, on Nov 5 2006, 10:54 PM, said:

I wonder if they will show it on TV??
Man I'd pay good money to see him go ...



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Posted 06 November 2006 - 11:06 AM

I think that death is not enough punishment for Sadan, but at the other hand i wonder what will be the future implications of that. Iraq is not better now than before and Sadan still have many disciples there, i hope guiltless people wont pay for it someway... :lol:

#19 BlueScreenOfDeath


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Posted 06 November 2006 - 02:31 PM

Death is the easy way out for him...he should endure the same cruelity as he imposed on his people

#20 chriso_86


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Posted 06 November 2006 - 03:45 PM

Yeah I agree, he is getting out kind of easy. At least it is by hanging which is a little worse!! If it was lethal injection I would be ticked, way way to easy!!

#21 GSG-9



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Posted 07 November 2006 - 03:28 AM

View PostVoodooGuru, on Nov 5 2006, 08:23 PM, said:

What most people don't know, don't realize or in some cases don't care to remember or admit is who put Saddam Hussein into power and helped keep him there;Gulf War) in the first place.

The US has a long history helping or putting dictators into power for personal/political reasions.
Also who was it who set up camps to train guerillas like ohh say Bin Laden? Oh crap! That was CIA wasn't it!

View PostVoodooGuru, on Nov 5 2006, 08:23 PM, said:

That would be Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, DICK Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

Saddam Hussein was a bad man, but he had a lot of help from our government. Those that gave him that help should be tried for treason.


View PostVoodooGuru, on Nov 5 2006, 08:23 PM, said:

Iraq did not attack us and had nothing to do with 9/11. It was a lie pushed by this administration from day one after 9/11 and 2/3 of the country accepted the lie as the truth even though there wasn't a shred of evidence to support the lie.
Before 911, it was just a coincidence that it gave them a reason to point fingers.

View PostVoodooGuru, on Nov 5 2006, 08:23 PM, said:

It is all about the oil.
And Land...They want another ally in the Middle east.

Edited by GSG-9, 07 November 2006 - 03:29 AM.

#22 bluerip


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Posted 07 November 2006 - 03:57 AM

Hey. I still wonder if its the real Saddam or one of the doubles :D :( :P :lol:

#23 banj0


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Posted 07 November 2006 - 09:21 AM

This administration did not try to prevent a terrorist attack when they took office, this administration did not listen to their predecessor's warning, this administration did not listen to the intelligence gathered by their own people when they received briefings entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S."

In fact, the same people that are champions for our worst administration ever are the same people that stood in the House and Senate and accused Clinton of trying to distract us from the Lewinsky nonsense by bombing terrorist camps in the Sudan and Afghanistan in 1998 and for saying that he did so to go after one Usama Bin Laden.

On the day that Clinton announced the bombing of terrorist camps, Senator Graham (Republican) of Minnesota accused him of copying the movie "Wag The Dog", Senator Coates (Republican) of Indiana questioned the judgment and sanity of Clinton, Senator Ashcroft (Republican) of Missouri, the future Attorney General!!!111!!! said that Mr. Coates brought up legitimate concerns, and Senator Arlen Specter (Republican) of Pennsylvania questioned the timing of those bombs, implying that Clinton was trying to distract us from his affair by going after Bin Laden. FACTS.

And now, these fake Christians are attempting to place the blame of 09/11 squarely on the shoulders of Bill Clinton.

The Republicans are now trying to say that they are the party of keeping us safe here in the States. That might be 100% true and that might be 100% false. We have no idea, at all. All we do know is that Iran is feeling much better, thank you very much Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair. Habeus Corpus? Gone. And if you don't think that means much, god help you for being ignorant.

Federal funding for Stem Cell Research on lines brought about today? Fake Christians are against that. Those same people have no problem with In Vitro Fertilization. Have you ever heard someone that claims to be against embryonic stem cell research AND In Vitro Fertilization? Of course not! The only problem is that both end up with discarded, non-fertilized embryos. The fake Xtians campaign against embryonic stem cell research under the guise of "all life is sacred." The problem is that more embryos are destroyed with In Vitro than are with embryonic stem cell research. Of course, too many people have benefited from In Vitro so the fake Xtians can't campaign against In Vitro.

Imagine the morons that campaigned against embryonic stem cell research standing in front of room full of kids.

Now realize that 1/3 of those kids were born because of In Vitro Fertilization.

Now imagine those same morons campaigning against embryonic stem cell research, in front of kids that were born because of In Vitro, by saying that the destruction of embryos is murder. And knowing, full ******* well, that more embryos are destroyed by In Vitro Fertilization than by embryonic stem cell research.

Jeeze o' man, that's a lot of hypocrisy. But wait! We're not done yet!!!

Now, let's say we're against homosexual marriage. Why? Because Jesus said so. "No." you say, "Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in any teachings." Look heathen, the Bible clearly says that homosexuality is wrong. It says so right there in the Old Testament, "A man shall not lie down with another man."

"Well." you answer, "Jesus was concerned with bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth through peace and love of all people. While the Old Testament said 'an eye for an eye', Jesus said turn the other cheek to your aggressors and live in harmony with one another. That's why his work, and the journals of those that were around the man, are called the New Testament. They were the corrections of the Old Stuff."

At no point did Jesus say, "P.S. Except the gay people."

This stuff really is THAT frickin' black or white. If you think all Americans that show a skin pigment like Arabs/Persians should be strip-searched in airports, vote neo-con. If you think Jesus hates our brothers and sisters that are gay but loves us straight folk that blow up little kids in Iraq for no reason, vote neo-con. If you think that the U.S. government should be able to put a U.S. citizen behind bars for life without ever pressing charges or giving that citizen a trial, vote neo-con. The principle of Habeus Corpus requires that a citizen must be charged with an actual crime before they can be locked up. That principle is now gone, thanks to the neo-cons in the office.

Whatever, what's a little fascism if it means that boys can't kiss anymore. :lol:

To our friends around the world, I hope you all realize that our country really is one of empathy, brotherhood, and freedom. We are not the government you see.

Edited by banj0, 07 November 2006 - 09:40 AM.

#24 VoodooGuru


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Posted 07 November 2006 - 02:27 PM

Nice job, Banj0. Very factual and to the point.

It is good to see that a lot of people here get it when it comes to the Bush Crime Family, the crimes against humanity that they are committing in Iraq and the rubber stamp Rethuglican congress that has enabled them to steal billions from the American people through war profiteering and fear mongering.

Unfortunately, I do not see the mid-terms as any solution as the b*st*rds are going to steal another election and remain in power. I would love to be wrong about this, but I am very cynical.

What really slays me is our government has the gall to make disparaging remarks and comments about elections in other countries:

US delegation: 'Anomalies' in Nicaraguan election; OAS disagrees: US delegation: 'Anomalies' in Nicaraguan election; OAS

That's the pot calling the kettle black!

Edited by VoodooGuru, 07 November 2006 - 04:14 PM.

#25 talker


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Posted 07 November 2006 - 03:12 PM

Well said Banj0, well said. As most of you know, I am a Priest and I have to agree with much of what Banj0 said concerning views toward homosexuality and gay marriage. While I cannot condone gay marriage I also cannot deny someone a free will choice even if I personally disagree with it. As I have told my congregation. God will never tell us that we can't do something. Instead, He will say we shouldn't. For God to say "can't" would be contrary to Himself in the granting of our freewill. God will never contridict Himself. With that in mind, how is it that the government, churches, certain evangelical leaders, etc try to usurp the power of God on certain issues (in reference to free will of life style) and say that an individual "can't" do something. I have no idea if there are gays in my congregation. First, I don't ask. Secondly, I don't care. If someone is living a life (regardless of what it may be) that is contrary to scriptural teaching, it is not my job to judge and condemn but instead, teach the tenants of a simple message of faith and guide the people to examine their own lives and make any changes that the Spirit of God guides them to make. None of us are in a position to cast stones at anyone following the thought of "Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone." I know in my own life I am unworthy to even pick up a stone, much less throw it. The statement from Jesus to "Love thy neighbor as thyself" did not have any conditons or exclusions.

As for the government, I have always been, at least in writting and submitting comments, very active. I have experienced the "Big Brother" power of our United States Government by having some of my emails blocked and returned by Homeland Security. Also knowing that all my correspondence is now monitored. It is a chilling thought. And with the government's ability to detain without charge (they call them enemy combatants), I have a certain fear of the black Suburban pulling up one night and suddenly, no one knows where I have gone. I do not instruct my congregation to follow any particular political path but instead to pray concerning their choices and take part in the American Experience and go vote. Who or what party they vote for is up to them. What cause they support is a matter for their own conscious. The pulpit, as I see it, is not an arena for political debate or quidance other than to encourage participation in the democratic process.

The imperfection of people is why Christ came. He showed us by example how life should be lived. It is our goal to live as close to that example as we can. Morality can not be legislated. That has been proven over and over. We, as followers of what ever faith you adhere to, should support our democracy by voting and taking what part we can in the process. Follow your conscious, but in doing so, make sure there is not a rock in your hand...talker. :lol:

#26 Guest_scaramonga_*

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Posted 07 November 2006 - 08:02 PM


Follow your conscious, but in doing so, make sure there is not a rock in your hand...talker.

Never a truer word...... :lol: :D

#27 godless


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Posted 07 November 2006 - 10:59 PM

I believe you guys have been watching too much South Park :lol:

Edited by godless, 07 November 2006 - 11:00 PM.

#28 Nvyseal


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Posted 07 November 2006 - 11:22 PM

Thank you all for your input. Im going to close this topic now. :lol:

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